
Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Free For All

Richard Armitage is starring as John Proctor in a new version of "The Crucible", don't think that doesn't make me stupidly excited! (Click the pic above to go to their Facebook page for more info.)

A lot of my thoughts this week, as were a lot of people's, were on the shootings recently and the fallout that it has created. Particularly the #YesAllWomen tweets that have blown up the internet. Here are some of those tweets that everyone needs to read.

In the same vein, this is what real activist men have to say on the subject

"Mad Jack" is my second favorite Churchill. See why here.

If you think Christopher Lee is awesome, which I think it's safe to say is all of us, then you'll be delighted to know he's released a metal album.

Graduations are almost over for the most part, but Huffington post put together some of the best cap decorations from my alma mater Meredith College.

A good article on what the person you deserve is like.

Fashion is not just for the flat of chest! Here's one fashionista's take on being a D cup in an A cup world.

A great article on creativity and insight.

And to end this week on a couple of high notes- here's some of the best cat pictures on the internet

....and cat gifs displaying the whole spectrum of taste descriptions.

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