Friday, May 30, 2014
Friday Free For All
Richard Armitage is starring as John Proctor in a new version of "The Crucible", don't think that doesn't make me stupidly excited! (Click the pic above to go to their Facebook page for more info.)
A lot of my thoughts this week, as were a lot of people's, were on the shootings recently and the fallout that it has created. Particularly the #YesAllWomen tweets that have blown up the internet. Here are some of those tweets that everyone needs to read.
In the same vein, this is what real activist men have to say on the subject
"Mad Jack" is my second favorite Churchill. See why here.
If you think Christopher Lee is awesome, which I think it's safe to say is all of us, then you'll be delighted to know he's released a metal album.
Graduations are almost over for the most part, but Huffington post put together some of the best cap decorations from my alma mater Meredith College.
A good article on what the person you deserve is like.
Fashion is not just for the flat of chest! Here's one fashionista's take on being a D cup in an A cup world.
A great article on creativity and insight.
And to end this week on a couple of high notes- here's some of the best cat pictures on the internet
....and cat gifs displaying the whole spectrum of taste descriptions.
TiLT: Things i Love Thursday!
Here's my list of things that made me happy this week:
- Classes started back up! Yay! I missed my teacher and classmates. <3
- Dinners out with friends.
- Going to go see Maleficent this weekend. (I hope it's as awesome as it looks. Jolie don't fail me now!)
- Otters. Always got love for my spirit animals/woo-woo wonder critters!
- The fact that June is nearly here and the weather still remains bearable.
- Allergy season has officially left and I can breathe (sort of!) again.
- Beating that pesky level of Candy Crush and/or Bubble Witch
- Short work weeks.
- Making up a book list to read in August when classes are officially (!) over.
- Rare moments when my cat, Mowgli, feels like cuddling.
- Documenting good hair days.
- Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with no obligations! (Those are the best. Aren't they?)
Monday, May 26, 2014
How (Not) to Get Attention
So. You want to get some attention for that thing you did. Maybe you wrote the next New York Time's Bestseller. Maybe you finally got your degree. Maybe you put the lid down without being told to. Whatever the case, you feel like sharing your accomplishment!
But how?
Step 1: Approach your unsuspecting victim.
Step 2: Start with a pleasantry. Compliment them in some way.
Step 3: Show off/demonstrate/or Humble Brag your accomplishments!
Step 4: Wait for the oncoming praise from your amazed audience!
Step 5: Should they not respond appropriately don't worry...
Step 6: You can always relax and try again tomorrow knowing you did your best.
But how?
Step 1: Approach your unsuspecting victim.
Step 2: Start with a pleasantry. Compliment them in some way.
Step 3: Show off/demonstrate/or Humble Brag your accomplishments!
Step 4: Wait for the oncoming praise from your amazed audience!
Step 5: Should they not respond appropriately don't worry...
Step 6: You can always relax and try again tomorrow knowing you did your best.
TEDsday- You are the art: Laura Hollick at TEDxHamilton
While I am not as familiar with Laura Hollick's work as I would like to be, I found her TED talk to be inspiring and informative. We are coming into a new world that is a blank canvas, and while that is scary it is also exhilarating. I loved her outlook on it, and I think you will too.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Friday Free For All
My friend, Jamie Albert, writes about how his van broke down during his epic cross country trip, and about the man that restored his faith in people.
There's going to be a one-of-a-kind meteor shower late tonight and early tomorrow morning. Anyone else going to stay up and watch it?
Neil Gaiman visited Syria. See what he has to say about his visit in the article "So Many Ways to Die in Syria".
I've been tempted to teach Mowgli to walk on a leash. Here's some tips for training your own cat!
Did you know the U.S. is still paying for the Civil War? This was an interesting read on what happens long after the war is over.
Anne Lamott is good as gold as always.
TiLT: Things I Love Thursday
On my love list for the week!
- Swapping BPAL (Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab) samples with a coworker friend.
- Going to see X-Men this weekend with friends.
- Reading the Wicked Garden series by Lenora Henson and having to wait patiently for the next book.
- One of a kind meteor showers
- Awkward bathroom conversations with coworkers
- A three day weekend! Woohoo!
- Pool season- can't wait to go splashing around!
- Electric blankets
- Dunking chicken nuggets into a chocolate Wendy's frosty.
- Dr. Pepper and Hershey's chocolate. (I am always grateful for junk food!)
- Long phone calls with long distance buddies
- My hilarious, supportive, and wonderful parents.
- Getting to go back to school next week! I can't wait!
- Getting a scholarship for my summer session at school
- And of course...getting to sleep in! Ahh, bliss!
That about wraps it up for me. What's on your list?
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I thought I might start sharing some of my favorite TEDx talks in this space. For those who don't know, TED stands for "Technology, Entertainment, Design". The purpose of the talks is to promote ideas worth sharing, and the subjects vary wildly.
The one I want to share today is presented by Jolie Guillebeau, called "Building and Artist's Life". In her talk, Jolie explains how she got to be an artist by making small, daily steps. I know in my own life it has been hard to shut out the inner critic and just do the work. I enjoyed hearing what Jolie had to say, and hope you will as well.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Friday Free For All
Molly Crabapple writes about Photoshop, Feminism, and Truth over at Vice.
85 Jack Kerouac quotes that will make you want to pack your bags and go.
Does "time" even exist?
As a massage therapy student, this article really moved me.
If you're into photography, this article on prime lenses and focal lengths is so helpful!
True Story: I had Weight Loss Surgery is an honest glimpse of what it's like to go through weight loss surgery and what to expect.
Love fudge rounds, but hate all the nasty....junk...that's in them? How about making your own with this recipe?
What are terrorists most frightened of? The answer might surprise you.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
TiLT: Things i Love Thursday
Some big and small things I'm grateful for this week:
- Graduation cap decoration inspiration
- Raspberry sweet tea
- Impending tea parties by the pond
- Facebooking dinner time conversations with my parents
- My teacher and classmates
- Front porch sitting
- Green smoothies in my Wonder Woman tumbler
- Red lipstick
- Trying out some Warby Parker glasses at home
- And of course- Graduation this past Saturday! What, what!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Exam Day: A Play in Three Gifs
Yesterday was exam day, so I wrote a play. Enjoy!
Act I: The Morning After the All-Night Cram Session
Act II: During the test when you've forgotten half the things you thought you knew
Act III: Exam is over and it's time for some celebration!
Blog Tour
I was invited to participate in the Blog Tour by the bright and shining light that is Jackie, whom I have had the joy of knowing for many years after having met at Meredith College. I hope to be half as awesome as her one day. Or at least be able to do a cartwheel. (Seriously, I wanna do a cartwheel. It's what all the cool kids are doing these days, isn't it?)
On with the show!
1. What am I working on?
What am I not working on? That might be easier to answer. I'm about to enter my third and final semester of my massage therapy program. I'm ankle deep in writing a murder mystery, and working full time as a bonafide production artist. I live off of chocolate, coffee, and tears at this point.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I think the fact that I come equipped with a certain sort of madness helps set me apart. That, and I don't seem to fit snuggly into any genre anyway, so I stopped trying. I've written children's picture books, murder mysteries, magical realism, poetry, and memoirs. I'll write anything once!
3. Why do I write/create what I do?
Because if I didn't there would be a lot more mayhem. I can't not be creative. I don't have it in me.
4. How does your writing/creating process work?
There's a lot of madness to my method. I usually get up, come to work, go to class, chill out to music, and then write like a mad scientist until I've met my daily word count. Some days are more productive than others, of course. I don't always have time to write as much as I'd like due to homework or the day job that keeps me fed and pays the bills. But I've enjoyed my "slow and steady" pace. Like a tortoise stampeding through peanut butter.
Many thanks to Jackie for including me in the Blog Tour! It's been fun, y'all.
Let's Pretend
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"Let it Bloom" by Jenna Austin |
As much as I love reading blogs, connecting to bloggers, being inspired by all the wonderful ladies and gents of the internet- I kind of suck at it. "It" being writing and promoting my own blog.
Why is that? That's just silly.
So I'm going to pretend that I've been on a joy ride out to Pluto and back. That's my excuse for not updating and trumpeting my own whimsical badassery. Sound good? You all still love me, don't you?
Yes you do. YES YOU DO. You just can't quit me. Don't deny your feelings.
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"Feet on the Dash" from the Journey Thru series by Jenna Austin |
(P.S. I love you, too.)
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